Ever made your own marshmallows? I'll be talking about the history of Mallomars and other Nostalgia Foods at the Franklin Park Public Library tomorrow night and have been thinking about marshmallows. I found this great recipe in the Southern Heritage Southern Living Gift Receipts volume. Sounds like a lot of work, but it also sounds delicious!
4 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups water, divided
4 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup cornstarch
Combine 4 cups sugar and 1 cup water in a 3-quart saucepan; stir well. Cover and let stand 30 minutes. Combine gelatin and remaining water in a large mixing bowl; let stand 30 minutes.
Cook sugar and water over medium heat, stirring until mixture comes to a boil. Wash off sugar crystals from sides of pan, using a brush dipped in cold water. Continue to cook without stirring, until mixture reaches firm ball stage (244F).
Pour hot syrup in a thin stream over gelatin mixture, beating constantly at high speed of an electric mixer. Continue beating 30 minutes (for real); beat in vanilla.
Sift together powdered sugar and cornstarch in a 15x10x1-inch jellyroll pan. Spread marshmallow mixture evenly in pan. Let dry at least 12 hours.
Turn candy out onto waxed paper. Cut into 1-inch squares or circles, rolling marshmallows in excess powdered sugar mixture. Store in airtight containers. Yield: about 12 1/2 dozen.
Want your own Mallomars? They are indeed still around! Nabisco Mallomars Pure Chocolate Cookies, 8-ounce Unit (Pack of 3)
I had a blast with the audience at the Oak Brook Public Library yesterday making scrap-cookbook layouts at my Preserving Family Recipes program. Today, though, I'm home with a sick toddler.
How are you celebrating National Library Week?
1 comment:
Of course, I'm celebrating National Library Week! and now I'm thinking about celebrating it with homemade marshmallows! Yum!
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