Saturday, March 12, 2011

More on the Sandwich Loaf

My stats for this blog show me that posts even two years on the Sandwich Loaf still get lots of hits. What is the deal with that? I am guessing this is usually associated with happy events like wedding or baby showers, or retirements, so perhaps folks are reliving the memory rather than the actual food?

I've put lots of version of this up on the blog, as there are many many recipes and photos in my collection of sandwich loaves every color of the rainbow. This one is from the gift book I got at Fremont PLD Wednesday night from a lovely audience member. From the 1954 Culinary Arts 500 Tasty Sandwich Recipes, here's yet more tips on making the Sandwich Loaf. Does any reader here still make or eat these?  Perhaps you can make a green one for St. Pat's Day...
 The caption is:
Here is the frosted Sandwich Loaf in all its glory ready to meet all comers.

That frosting is whipped cream cheese, cream and salt. Here are some possible fillings. And as always - I don't make this stuff up. I simply don't have to - there's too much in here that's crazy!
Anchovy Butter:  1 cup butter, 1/2 cup minced anchovies, 2 tsp. lemon juice, 4 drops onion juice, 4 hard-cooked egg yolks.

Chili Butter
1/4 cup butter
2 tablespoons chili sauce, drained

File Butter
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 tablespoon file (What is File?)
1 tsp. paprika

Then there's garlic butter strong and garlic butter, milk. One uses Mined Fried Garlic. There are of course good one in here like Pickle, egg salad, carrot.


Molly MacRae said...

It might be referring to gumbo file. My mom used to keep a jar of McCormick's gumbo file on hand. I never knew what was in file, though, until I looked it up - powdered sassafras leaves. Here's what says:

"Gumbo file powder is a necessity for cooking authentic Creole or Cajun cuisine. Quite simply, gumbo file powder is the powdered leaves of the sassafras tree. When ground, they smell somewhat like eucalyptus or juicy fruit gum.

Long before the use of file powder for Creole and Cajun cooking, American Indians pounded sassafras leaves into a powder and added them to soups and stews. In addition to contributing an unusual flavor, the powder also acts as a thickener when added to liquid."

I'm guessing Amy will like that bit about "contributing an unusual flavor."

Amy said...

You're not kidding that the 'unusual flavor' caught my eye...

Also - I love that you looked this up. You can take the librarian out of the library, but you can't take the library out of the librarian or something like that. So why didn't I look this up? I know better than to find out too much about some of the mysterious things I come across in these cookbooks. This is just as scary as it seemed.