Monday, January 25, 2010

Fried Noodle Rings

Today I'm guest blogging over at mystery author Deb Baker's Powered by Books blog on YA literature and YALSA awards. Deb has a few great mystery series, and if you haven't read her yet - go check out her Michigan series or her Doll series. Starting this fall, she'll also have a Bee Keeping series. Her books are funny and the details will bring you right into the story. Her doll series made me want to start collecting...

Here's another photo from the New Recipes for Good Eating. Folks, those aren't doughnuts.

Fried Noodle Rings

2 cups fine dry noodles

1 tsp. salt

Crisco for deep frying

Place noodles in boiling salted water. Cook until tender. Drain but do not wash the noodles. Place in greased individual ring molds. Chill until firm.

Remove from ring molds. Fry in Crisco heated to 365F 2-3 minutes. Drain on absorbent paper. Place in oven to reheat just before serving.

It is suggested that these be served with Seafood Neptune, Creamed Chicken or Chow Mein.

MMMM. Now I know what I'm having for dinner - er, not.

There is an entire section on pan fried foods in this fabulous cookbook. Perhaps I'll put up the pan friend liver slices tomorrow. Or maybe the Pineapple Fritters. Tough choice.


sdn said...

you know, this sounds good. i have also seen recipes for spaghetti pancakes.

PageRank Check said...

very creative idea

Sarah @ Mum In Bloom said...

I just found your cool blog! I adore all things vintage, especially cookbooks. I was left my Nana's cookbook collection and her 1975 Joy of Cooking was a great learning tool when I first lived on my own. Our library is VERY old and still has it's old old books on the shelves. I love taking out cookbooks there. Oh, the possibilities!