Gooey Butter Cake
Thanks, Amy, for allowing me to guest blog and share my favorite cake recipe.
By way of brief introduction, my name is JA Konrath. I was an author in the anthology Amy edited for Echelon, MISSING. My story was co-written by Henry Perez, and features my series character, Chicago Homicide Lieutenant Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels.
I'm currently on a blog tour, appearing on a different blog every day in March to promote a horror novel I wrote under the pen name Jack Kilborn. It's called AFRAID, and comes out on March 31st.
Since the book is frightening, I thought I'd share a frightening recipe.
This recipe is terrifying for two reasons:
1. Even though it is delicious, it looks weird and gross, very much like my book, AFRAID.
2. It has enough sugar and fat in it to give you a heart attack, very much like my book, AFRAID. This recipe was given to me by my mom, who clipped it from an ancient issue of Good Housekeeping. And believe me, it is one of the strangest--yet most decadent and tasty--baked goods you will ever have.
This cake holds a very special place in my clogged heart, because Gooey Butter Cake is my birthday cake of choice, and my mom has baked me one almost every year of my life. She's also making me one today, because today is my birthday. :)
Gooey Butter Cake:
2 sticks softened butter
1 package pound cake mix
1 pound confectioners sugar
4 eggs
8 oz. softened cream cheese(Didn't I tell you this is a myocardial infarction waiting to happen?)
Beat butter with two eggs, and gradually add the powdered pound cake mix. Spread this beaten mix into a 9" x 13" baking pan. I asked my mom if I needed to grease the pan and she told me,
"Hon, you've got half a pound of butter in there already." She said it kind of sarcastically, too.
Preheat the oven to 350.
Remove 1/4 cup of confectioner's sugar and set it aside.
Mix the remaining sugar, eggs, and cream cheese, and beat until the lumps are gone. Pour/spoon this mixture into the baking pan, on top of the pound cake mix.
Run out and buy AFRAID by Jack Kilborn. This step is essential, or your cake will be ruined.
Bake for 20 minutes or until the top is lightly brown but not fully set. This cake is supposed to be really gooey, remember? Let cool, then dust the top with the remaining powdered sugar. My mom uses a strainer to do this. I just sorta pour it on and then lightly blow on it to distribute it, which is what I think most of the top chefs do.
Eat in moderation.Warning: the author assumes no responsibility for clogged arteries or passing out from sugar high. Seriously, this is even better than chocolate. Trust me.
And thanks, Mom, for the recipe. :)-----------Joe
Oh! Well worth the myocardial infarction! That looks good and it looks easy (like my husband). = )
Hi Amy!
Thanks for hosting Joe today.
This was just an amazing place to land on this whirlwind ride that we're all tagging along for.
Gorgeous photos!Great content!
and you missed one...you couldn't come up with a way to link your Mom to your book?
Many Happy Returns!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, J.A.!
Now THIS is my kind of host -- less emphasis on scary stuff, more on cookbooks. And cake. I hang on the periphery of Joe's prototypical fan base... yet I keep coming back. He's addictive plus he has no cholesterol.
Love this blog, Amy! I will be back!
Thanks for a fun post,
and Happy Birthday, Joe!
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It is very interesting for me to read the post. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
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