OK - the photos are working again, yeah!
I'm a bit wiped out from the wonderful Windy City RWA program last night. I joined that group of ultra-savvy professional writers and hope their mojo and hard work helps me as well! The Current President is Denise Swanson - author of the Scumble River mystery series. I have given many of those as gifts. Denise led the group through the business, and many of the group had good publishing news. Then five librarians including me spoke about getting your book in the library and how to do programs. Wonderful questions. Fabulous attitude towards teens and writing for teens. I'm so glad my colleague and RWA 2008 Librarian of the Year Susan Gibberman invited me to attend. I look forward to more of their events.
I thought since some of you enjoyed the suggested Box Lunch menus yesterday, I'd include a few more:
Styled for Career Girl (as opposed to Executive on a Diet, posted yesterday)
Chilled Sliced Fruit
Cottage Cheese
Finger Sandwiches filled with Deviled Ham (uhoh)
Fresh Ripe Pear (as opposed to?)
Jellyroll Slice (??)
Cold Milk
Snack: Bunch of Grapes
What a lot of work! Who here among readers has made a jellyroll with no cracking? I only know about my friend Sarah's success with this. And finger sandwiches? It would take eight hours before Career Girl heads out to make this thing, and to eat it with no refrigeration four hours later is stomach-turning.
"In" for Teens
Submarine Sandwich (Pack fillings separately - meat, cheese, lettuce, and mustard)
Dill Pickle
Fresh Fruit, Raisins
Chocolate Milk
Snack: Cupcake, Grape Juice
Now what do you think the teen will eat from there? Also, they will have to hide for embarrassment while eating that lunch.
Big Meal for a Big Appetite
Hot Vegetable Soup or Beef Stew
Corned Beef on Rye
Cherry Pie
Tomato Juice
Snack: Cheese and Crackers
Wow. I don't think this person's coworkers will thank him/her for eating that fragrant meal.
What are your favorite lunches? Currently mine are the Progresso 0 point Weight Watchers soups with fruit. Possibly a small brownie.
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