Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Day 3 with Ms. Prune Whip: Peanut Butter Surprise

(While Amy is away, we’re following Ms. Prune Whip’s field trip to the cookbook room at Jane Addams Book Shop in Champaign, Illinois.)

Expedition, Day 3: Found and bought Chef Paul Prudhomme’s Seasoned America. Not vintage (1991) but oldest son borrowed mine (signed first edition). Will now drive to Cincinnati, distract son with dish of barley prune pudding, switch copies. To make up for discussion of non-vintage Prudhomme, will post delightful recipe from Jewel Tea Company’s 1936 pamphlet Mary Dunbar’s Favorite Recipes.

Peanut Butter Surprise (Molly’s note: Surprise? No doubt.)

4 tablespoons Jewel Peanut Butter
½ cup Jewel Mayonnaise
1 small jar stuffed olives, or
½ doz. chopped sweet pickles
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Graham bread

Mix peanut butter and mayonnaise; add chopped olives and lemon juice. Spread on buttered graham bread.

Tomorrow – Expedition, Day 4: Ms. Prune Whip makes no apologies and declares “I yam what I yam.”

Thanks to Don and Susan Elmore, owners of Jane Addams, for allowing me to photograph and post pictures from their shop. You can find Jane Addams on the web at, or in person at 208 N. Neil St., Champaign, IL 61820. You can follow Jane Addams on Facebook: Jane Addams Bookshop or Twitter: @janeaddamsbooks. Phone is 217-356-2555. Email is

(Three photos attached:
Amy needs an apron like this)

1 comment:

Alex said...

Everyone needs an apron like that!

And I can't believe G would have taken the cookbook. Hopefully, he's learning many things and putting it to frequent use (behind a book stand/cover, of course.)