Friday, July 16, 2010

Peach Roses and Peach Shortcake Dessert Cups

Yesterday was my 15th Wedding Anniversary. My husband got me peach roses Tuesday night when I came home from a teen CSI event, and then we spent yesterday antiquing. I found a recipe box with handwritten recipes and several vintage recipes for a steal. Kyle found a redline Hot Wheels car for his collection. My gift was a treadmill - sexy? No. But it is what I wanted. Kyle wanted a big Lego kit. The traditional gift for 15th is Ivory. Since we didn't want to be illegal, we chose things we wanted...
Peach roses (like the ones in my bridal bouquet which is dried and preserved in a frame) made me think of this recipe and photo from the same Barbecues and Picnics Cookbook I was writing about earlier in the week. Here is the recipe for Peach Shortcake Dessert Cups:
Fill sponge cake dessert cups (from a package) with sweetened whipped cream. Top with chilled canned peach halves, hollow side up.  Center with dollop of whipped cream.  Pass extra sliced peaches.


Nancy said...

Sounds easy enough to make.

Cleo Coyle said...

Happy Anniversary! :)