Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Circus Time Parties for Six-Year-Olds

I am packing pies to go to the Fremont Public Library in Mundelein tonight, but wanted to get a quick blog up here. I will get to the teen parties as promised, but the Foodarama cookbook from 1959 has a few more funny ones.

This is supposed to be a Circus Cake. 1. It's ugly, right? 2. You know some kid would eat a toothpick by accident. 3. My boys would be eating the animal crackers off this long before it was served.

Here's advice for parties for Six-Year-Olds:
A Costume Circus Party is perfect for this age group. Your party room (??) and table are under the 'Big Top' with crepe paper streamers hung from ceiling center to the sides of the room.  Add a menagerie, stuffed animal toys in 'cages' made of cartons with paper ribbon 'bars' and circus pennants. A Peanut Treasure Hunt, bubble-blowing and relay races are good activities.
Oh boy. Peanut shells tracked all over the house. Serving only cake and popcorn balls? Wow.

For Ten-Year-Olds:
These young dynamos like action. (uhoh) Try a warm-weather, outdoor Scavenger Hunt, or an Athletic Party with races. Try Silly Skill games in which contestants pick up beans, peel oranges and tie knots while wearing work gloves.  Serve refreshments in great abundance, and simmer down your guests before sending them  home by letting them make 'mad masks'.

I think I've been to some baby showers with Silly Skills. Interesting.

I finished Mockingjay last night. What did you think?

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