Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Egg Rolls

This is from the Betty Crocker Hostess Cookbook, 1967. The recipe is for sweet rolls made from yeast, baked together in a 9-inch pan. I think this could be done with something from Pillsbury in a tube. It reminds me of the Bunny Breads post I did last year, which remains one of my most popular posts ever:

I do love the deocrations here, though. Certainly makes dinner rolls a lot more fun.

The Hostess book is filled with tips, many of which have gone with the times. I love the ones about how you are not supposed to do anything with dirty dishes other than stack them out of the way until all guests have gone. All family parties I attend have the people cleaning every last dinner dish before dessert is put out. No one wants to be left with a huge mess after guests have gone anymore, I think. People are smarter about enjoying their own parties. How does your family do it?


Rochelle R. said...

That photo is very appealing. I know what would happen if I tried it though. The icing would turn runny and it would look all messy instead of pretty. In my family the folks that didn't do the cooking do the cleanup.

Veggie Mama said...

I'm so glad I found you - I have tons of vintage cookbooks and everyone thinks I'm crazy! So glad there are others out there that love them as much as I do.